


Lyrics here :



OXYMORON is Nik Kershaw's ninth solo album. It was released in 2020.

One single was taken from this album.

Hereafter, you'll find a list of all songs from the EI8HT period, including their different known mixes, demos or official live versions.



Note that unofficial bootleg live versions or TV performances won't be mentioned in this list.



B09.01 The Chosen Ones


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:00)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).



Previously released on the 2020 "These Little Things" online digital EP.




Audionetwork versions



Ten different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other nine tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  The Chosen Ones (3:59) - Reflective pop song with male vocal, driving choruses & lyrics musing on the good fortunes of our generation

o  The Chosen Ones 2 (3:59) - Reflective, melodic instrumental pop building to driving, bright chorus sections (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  The Chosen Ones 3 (47 seconds) - Driving, rocky guitars, bass & drums underscore

o  The Chosen Ones 4 (49 seconds) - Driving solo drums & percussion

o  The Chosen Ones 5 (33 seconds) - Reflective acoustic guitar & string quartet underscore

o  The Chosen Ones 6 (60 seconds) - Reflective pop song with male vocal

o  The Chosen Ones 7 (60 seconds) - Driving instrumental pop becoming reflective with prominent military snare

o  The Chosen Ones 8 (30 seconds) - Reflective pop with male vocal

o  The Chosen Ones 9 (30 seconds) - Reflective pop instrumental with prominent military snare

o  The Chosen Ones 10 (07 seconds) - (Sting) (Bright, driving sting)



B09.02 From Cloudy Bay To Malibu


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:28)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).



It was also released as an online digital only single.




Audionetwork versions



Twelve different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other eleven tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu (4:27) - Folky, upbeat pop song with male vocal & booze-themed lyrics

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 2 (4:26) - Folky upbeat pop track with 'All Around The World' backing vocals in the chorus

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 3 (4:27) - Folky, driving, upbeat pop instrumental with brass-led chorus sections (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 4 (4:25) - Folky keyboard groove with drums & bass. Instrumental

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 5 (4:26) - Folky song with male vocal, piano, acoustic guitar & brass

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 6 (60 seconds) - Folky, upbeat pop song with male vocal with 'All Around The World' lyrics

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 7 (60 seconds) - Folky, driving, upbeat pop instrumental

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 8 (56 seconds) - Folky, upbeat pop instrumental with piano, acoustic guitar, brass & light

percussion. Acoustic mix

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 9 (30 seconds) - Folky, upbeat pop song with male vocal with 'All Around The World' lyrics

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 10 (30 seconds) - Folky, driving, upbeat pop instrumental

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 11 (06 seconds) - (Sting) Instrumental sting with drums & whoosh ending

o  From Cloudy Bay To Malibu 12 (06 seconds) - (Sting) Instrumental sting with drums & brass



B09.03 Can't Go On


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (3:48)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Ten different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other nine tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  Can't Go On (3:47) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced song with yearning male vocal & soprano saxophone

o  Can't Go On 2 (3:47) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced instrumental with soprano saxophone (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  Can't Go On 3 (3:47) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced underscore. No synths or sax

o  Can't Go On 4 (3:46) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced song. Acoustic mix, no drum kit

o  Can't Go On 5 (60 seconds) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced song with yearning male vocal & soprano saxophone

o  Can't Go On 6 (60 seconds) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced instrumental with soprano saxophone

o  Can't Go On 7 (30 seconds) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced song with yearning male vocal & soprano saxophone

o  Can't Go On 8 (30 seconds) - Laid-back, reggae-influenced instrumental with soprano saxophone

o  Can't Go On 9 (10 seconds) - (Bumper) Warm, feel-good bumper with wordless vocals & soprano sax

o  Can't Go On 10 (11 seconds) - (Bumper) Instrumental bumper with soprano sax. No vocals



B09.04 The Wind Will Blow


Co-written by Nik Kershaw and Paul Clarvis



Album version (3:35)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).



Previously released on the 2020 "These Little Things" online digital EP.



Also released as track 7 on the D side (second vinyl record) of the 2023 "Collected" vinyl collection.




Audionetwork versions



Ten different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other nine tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  The Wind Will Blow (3:34) - Quirky, mid-tempo pop rock with anthemic chorus & male vocal. Explicit lyric

o  The Wind Will Blow 2 (3:32) - Quirky, mid-tempo pop rock with anthemic chorus & male vocal. Clean mix

o  The Wind Will Blow 3 (3:33) - Quirky, mid-tempo pop rock instrumental with anthemic chorus (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  The Wind Will Blow 4 (2:18) - Rolling mid-tempo stripped back pop groove. Drums, bass & guitars, with optimistic chorus sections

o  The Wind Will Blow 5 (50 seconds) - Rolling mid-tempo stripped back pop groove. Solo drums & percussion

o  The Wind Will Blow 6 (60 seconds) - Quirky, mid-tempo pop rock with anthemic chorus & male vocal

o  The Wind Will Blow 7 (60 seconds) - Quirky, anthemic mid-tempo pop rock instrumental

o  The Wind Will Blow 8 (30 seconds) - Quirky, mid-tempo pop rock with anthemic chorus & male vocal

o  The Wind Will Blow 9 (30 seconds) - Quirky, anthemic mid-tempo pop rock instrumental

o  The Wind Will Blow 10 (07 seconds) - (Sting) Guitar melody & drums sting



B09.05 I Do Believe


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:18)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).



Previously released on the 2020 "These Little Things" online digital EP.




Audionetwork versions



Eight different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other seven tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  I Do Believe (4:15) - Driving, anthemic poprock with male vocal & strings. Lyrics about supporting a loved one who doubts themselves

o  I Do Believe 2 (4:05) - Driving, anthemic poprock instrumental (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  I Do Believe 3 (4:14) - Stripped back acoutic santhem feat vocals, acoustic guitar, bass, strings

o  I Do Believe 4 (60 seconds) - Driving, anthemic poprock with male vocal & strings

o  I Do Believe 5 (60 seconds) - Driving, anthemic poprock instrumental

o  I Do Believe 6 (30 seconds) - Driving, anthemic poprock with male vocal & strings

o  I Do Believe 7 (30 seconds) - Driving, anthemic poprock instrumental

o  I Do Believe 8 (10 seconds) - (Sting) Anthemic sting with band & strings



B09.06 The Best I Can


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:31)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).



Previously released on the 2020 "These Little Things" online digital EP.




Audionetwork versions



Eleven different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other ten tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  The Best I Can (4:30) - Quirky electronic folk pop with cyclic groove, strings & male vocal. A light-hearted observation of getting older

o  The Best I Can 2 (4:29) - Quirky instrumental folk pop with cyclic groove (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  The Best I Can 3 (4:28) - Quirky instrumental folk pop with cyclic groove. No solo guitar

o  The Best I Can 4 (2:41) - Gentle, reflective acoustic guitar & strings

o  The Best I Can 5 (1:55) - Drum & percussion groove

o  The Best I Can 6 (60 seconds) - Quirky electronic folk pop with cyclic groove, strings & male vocal

o  The Best I Can 7 (60 seconds) - Quirky instrumental folk pop with cyclic groove

o  The Best I Can 8 (30 seconds) - Quirky electronic folk pop with cyclic groove, strings & male vocal

o  The Best I Can 9 (30 seconds) - Quirky instrumental folk pop with cyclic groove

o  The Best I Can 10 (14 seconds) - (Bumper) Strings & band bumper

o  The Best I Can 11 (09 seconds) - (Sting) Strings & band sting



B09.07 Roundabouts And Swings


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (3:56)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Twelve different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other eleven tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  Roundabouts And Swings (3:54) - Anthemic pop ballad with sing-a-long chorus & male vocal

o  Roundabouts And Swings 2 (3:49) - Laid-back pop ballad instrumental with anthemic chorus melody (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  Roundabouts And Swings 3 (3:51) - Gentle, reflective acoustic instrumental with guitars, strings, piano & bass. Builds

o  Roundabouts And Swings 4 (3:48) - Gentle, reflective acoustic instrumental with guitars, strings & piano. Builds

o  Roundabouts And Swings 5 (3:53) - Gentle, reflective acoustic duet with piano & acoustic guitar

o  Roundabouts And Swings 6 (60 seconds) - Anthemic pop ballad with sing-a-long chorus & male vocal

o  Roundabouts And Swings 7 (60 seconds) - Laid-back pop ballad instrumental with anthemic chorus melody

o  Roundabouts And Swings 8 (30 seconds) - Sing-a-long chorus from anthemic pop ballad. With male vocal

o  Roundabouts And Swings 9 (30 seconds) - Laid-back pop ballad instrumental. Anthemic chorus

o  Roundabouts And Swings 10 (12 seconds) - (Bumper) Acoustic guitar, piano & strings bumper

o  Roundabouts And Swings 11 (09 seconds) - (Bumper) Acoustic guitar & strings bumper

o  Roundabouts And Swings 12 (05 seconds) - (Sting) Band sting



B09.08 She Gets Me


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:21)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Eight different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other seven tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  She Gets Me (4:20) - Funkpop song with brass & male vocal

o  She Gets Me 2 (4:20) - Funkpop instrumental with brass lead (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  She Gets Me 3 (60 seconds) - Funkpop song with brass & male vocal

o  She Gets Me 4 (60 seconds) - Funkpop instrumental with brass lead

o  She Gets Me 5 (30 seconds) - Funkpop song with brass & male vocal

o  She Gets Me 6 (30 seconds) - Funkpop instrumental with brass lead

o  She Gets Me 7 (06 seconds) - (Sting) Funkpop instrumental sting with brass lead

o  She Gets Me 8 (03 seconds) - (Sting) Funkpop instrumental sting with brass lead



B09.09 Babylon Brothers


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:43)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Eight different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other seven tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  Babylon Brothers (4:41) - Prog pop/rock/fusion song with driving beat, punchy horns & male vocal

o  Babylon Brothers 2 (4:41) - Prog pop/rock/fusion instrumental with driving beat & punchy horns (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  Babylon Brothers 3 (4:01) - Prog pop/rock/fusion underscore with driving beat & punchy brass at the end

o  Babylon Brothers 4 (60 seconds) - Prog pop/rock/fusion song with driving beat, punchy horns & male vocal

o  Babylon Brothers 5 (60 seconds) - Prog pop/rock/fusion instrumental with driving beat & punchy horns

o  Babylon Brothers 6 (30 seconds) - Prog pop/rock/fusion song with driving beat, punchy horns & male vocal

o  Babylon Brothers 7 (30 seconds) - Prog pop/rock/fusion instrumental with driving beat & punchy horns

o  Babylon Brothers 8 (07 seconds) - (Sting) Prog pop/rock/fusion instrumental sting



B09.10 Little Star


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (3:33)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).



Previously released on the 2020 "These Little Things" online digital EP.




Audionetwork versions



Seven different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other six tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  Little Star (3:30) - Gentle, emotional lullabyballad with piano, strings & male vocal

o  Little Star 2 (3:29) - Gentle, romantic & emotional instrumental with piano & strings (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  Little Star 3 (60 seconds) - Emotional lullabyballad with piano, strings & male vocal

o  Little Star 4 (60 seconds) - Gentle, romantic & emotional instrumental with piano & strings

o  Little Star 5 (30 seconds) - Emotional lullabyballad with piano, strings & male vocal

o  Little Star 6 (30 seconds) - Gentle, romantic & emotional instrumental with piano & strings

o  Little Star 7 (09 seconds) - (Sting) Piano sting



B09.11 Let's Get Lost


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:46)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Eleven different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other ten tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  Let's Get Lost (4:43) - Prog pop/rock song with strings & male vocals with 'blind leading the blind' lyric theme

o  Let's Get Lost 2 (4:43) - Quirky prog pop/rock instrumental. Slow build (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  Let's Get Lost 3 (4:43) - Quirky prog pop/rock underscore. No synths or sax

o  Let's Get Lost 4 (3:48) - Quirky prog pop/rock underscore. No drums, sax or synths

o  Let's Get Lost 5 (60 seconds) - Prog pop/rock song with strings & male vocals with 'blind leading the blind' lyric theme

o  Let's Get Lost 6 (60 seconds) - Quirky prog pop/rock instrumental

o  Let's Get Lost 7 (30 seconds) - Prog pop/rock song with strings & male vocals with 'blind leading the blind' lyric theme

o  Let's Get Lost 8 (30 seconds) - Quirky prog pop/rock instrumental

o  Let's Get Lost 9 (08 seconds) - (Bumper) Emphatic, stabbing instrumental bumper

o  Let's Get Lost 10 (06 seconds) - (Sting) Emphatic, stabbing instrumental sting

o  Let's Get Lost 11 (05 seconds) - (Sting) Emphatic instrumental sting



B09.12 Come Back Tomorrow


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (3:39)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Nine different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other eight tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  Come Back Tomorrow (3:34) - Introspective pop/rock song, male vocalist having a bad day

o  Come Back Tomorrow 2 (3:34) - Introspective pop/rock instrumental with positive chorus sections (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  Come Back Tomorrow 3 (2:34) - Introspective pop/rock underscore with positive chorus sections

o  Come Back Tomorrow 4 (60 seconds) - pop/rock song with male vocals

o  Come Back Tomorrow 5 (60 seconds) - Introspective pop/rock instrumental

o  Come Back Tomorrow 6 (51 seconds) - Solo, drum & percussion groove

o  Come Back Tomorrow 7 (30 seconds) - pop/rock song with male vocals

o  Come Back Tomorrow 8 (30 seconds) - Introspective pop/rock instrumental

o  Come Back Tomorrow 9 (08 seconds) - (Sting) Rising brass stabs & pop band sting



B09.13 These Little Things


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (5:09)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).



Previously released on the 2020 "These Little Things" online digital EP.




Audionetwork versions



Eight different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other seven tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  These Little Things (5:09) - Mid-tempo pop/rock celebration of real life with soaring strings & male vocal

o  These Little Things 2 (5:03) - pop/rock instrumental with anthemic choruses. Feat bass, drums, guitars, piano & strings (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  These Little Things 3 (4:59) - Gentle acoustic mix with vocal. Emotional celebration of the joy to be found in the mundane

o  These Little Things 4 (60 seconds) - Mid-tempo pop/rock celebration of real life with soaring strings & male vocal

o  These Little Things 5 (60 seconds) - Reflective, emotional pop/rock instrumental building to anthemic chorus with strings

o  These Little Things 6 (30 seconds) - Mid-tempo pop/rock celebration of real life with soaring strings & male vocal

o  These Little Things 7 (60 seconds) - Reflective, emotional pop/rock instrumental building to anthemic chorus with strings

o  These Little Things 8 (11 seconds) -  (Sting) Band & strings sting



B09.14 Love Live The King


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (3:20)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Ten different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other nine tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  Long Live The King (3:19) - Driving pop/rock with male vocal

o  Long Live The King 2 (3:19) - Driving pop/rock instrumental (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  Long Live The King 3 (3:19) - Driving pop/rock underscore

o  Long Live The King 4 (60 seconds) - Driving pop/rock with male vocal

o  Long Live The King 5 (60 seconds) - Driving pop/rock instrumental

o  Long Live The King 6 (30 seconds) - Driving pop/rock with male vocal

o  Long Live The King 7 (30 seconds) - Driving pop/rock instrumental

o  Long Live The King 8 (06 seconds) - (Sting) Driving pop/rock sting

o  Long Live The King 9 (05 seconds) - (Sting) Driving pop/rock sting

o  Long Live The King 10 (04 seconds) - (Sting) Short pop/rock sting



B09.15 The Smallest Soul


Co-written by Nik Kershaw and Paul Clarvis



Album version (4:25)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Eight different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other seven tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  The Smallest Soul (4:23) - Building, epic pop with dark guitars, male vocal & emotional string orchestra

o  The Smallest Soul 2 (4:25) - Emotional, building orchestral strings with dark guitars & percussion (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  The Smallest Soul 3 (4:23) - Emotional string orchestra, with percussion, bass & vocal. No guitars

o  The Smallest Soul 4 (4:23) - Dark pizzicato stings & percussion build with bass to emotional theme. No guitars

o  The Smallest Soul 5 (60 seconds) - Building, epic pop with dark guitars, male vocal & emotional string orchestra

o  The Smallest Soul 6 (60 seconds) - Emotional, building orchestral strings with dark guitars & percussion

o  The Smallest Soul 7 (30 seconds) - Emotional, building orchestral strings with dark guitars & percussion

o  The Smallest Soul 8 (06 seconds) - (Sting) Dramatic orchestral strings sting



B09.16 They Were There


Written by Nik Kershaw



Album version (4:37)


Available on the 2020 "Oxymoron" album (vinyl LP, CD and online digital file).




Audionetwork versions



Eleven different versions or snippets are available online on the Audionetwork website.

The first version is identical to the 2020 "Oxymoron" album.

The other ten tracks are NOT AVAILABLE on any official CD.

You can hear them online [HERE]


o  They Were There (4:34) - Moving ballad featuring acoustic guitar, strings, male vocal & haunting lyrics

o  They Were There 2 (4:33) - Sad, reflective instrumental. Gentle acoustic guitars & piano develops with drums, bass & strings (Note : this is an instrumental version of the Oxymoron track)

o  They Were There 3 (4:34) - Moving ballad featuring acoustic guitar, strings, male vocal & haunting lyrics. No drums

o  They Were There 4 (4:34) - Sad, reflective instrumental. Gentle acoustic guitars, piano develops with bass & strings. No drum

o  They Were There 5 (4:33) - Moving ballad featuring acoustic guitar, strings & male vocal only

o  They Were There 6 (1:31) - Drums & effects only. Military style snare with swirling synth effects

o  They Were There 7 (60 seconds) - Moving ballad featuring acoustic guitar, strings, male vocal & haunting lyrics

o  They Were There 8 (60 seconds) - Sad, reflective instrumental with acoustic guitars, piano, drums, bass & strings

o  They Were There 9 (30 seconds) - Ballad featuring acoustic guitar, strings & male vocal. They were there, then they were not

o  They Were There 10 (30 seconds) - Sad, reflective instrumental with acoustic guitars, piano, drums, bass & strings

o  They Were There 11 (09 seconds) - (Sting) Reflective acoustic guitar, piano & cymbal swell sting